Lacking the sense of belonging and purpose is not surprising to some people when traveling. The sense of purpose might be difficult to find among some travelers. Arturo from GT Roofing San Antonio, works hard and travels a lot on his holiday breaks and shares that traveling is generally isolating and this can easily make a traveler lack the sense of belonging.
Travel tends to lack purpose for many people. That’s why they have travel deficiency. For instance, spending a week away in an isolated island doing nothing about your career may feel purposeless. Essentially, though the modern society accepts travel, it can feel like spending time watching TV.
Many people see travel as a long duration without work and spending time as an egregious consumer. Travelers end up in a tensionless state spending efforts and time being selfish. Basically, consumption and travel are about the needs of a traveler, having fun, and fulfilling their desires. But, deep down, a traveler craves for service and impact.
Naturally, humans feel purposeful when there are people counting on them. Generally, life quality starts to deteriorate when nobody is counting on you, whether family, strangers, or coworkers.
This is what happens when a person travels. They consume and eventually feel like nobody counts on them.
Everybody wants to feel recognized, understood, and affirmed. We want to feel that somebody hears us. Unfortunately, traveling can be quite isolating. A getaway typically lasts for a maximum of two weeks and it’s usually action-packed. This can make a vacation stressful and the transient vacation nature creates no feeling of belonging.
Travelers get new accommodations every now and then and make short-lived friendships. Thus, traveling is filled with surface-level relationships. This starts to eat travelers subconsciously. Even worse, it’s difficult for some travelers to keep in touch with loved ones back at home. Thus, they end living isolated lives without a sense of purpose and belonging.
Generally, it’s possible for travel to lack the sense of purpose and belonging. Nevertheless, when planned out properly, traveling provides the most exciting and satisfying experiences.