What Causes Travel Constipation?

Most people feel constipated during travel. For this reason, they want to know what causes this condition so that they can prevent it. Essentially, you know you’re constipated if you poop less than three times per week. Also, hard and dry poop is a sign of constipation. Additionally, straining or pushing poop and having a bloated or full gut after pooping indicates constipation.

What’s more, you can experience a rectal blockage when traveling. All these are signs of constipation. But, what causes travel constipation? Here are possible reasons why you feel constipated when or after traveling.

Transportation Mode

Airlines maintain pressurized cabin air to ensure the safety of passengers with different attitudes. Although passengers continue breathing normally even with the pressure changes, their bellies might not have a smooth sailing due to this shift. That’s because it causes the intestines and stomach to expand, making them bloated.

Moving Less and Holding It

Most people don’t find pooping during a flight appealing. Therefore, they opt to move less and hold their poop until they arrive at their destination. And this also happens when using other transportation modes, like bus and train. However, keeping the poop in or moving less can cause backed-up bowels.

Routine and Diet Changes

When traveling, you may not stick to your exercise routine. You may not also eat your regular foods. Additionally, you may not get adequate water to keep your body hydrated. All these factors can aggravate your GI systems. In some cases, eating a different food can cause constipation because it’s new to your digestive system. When traveling, the lack of adequate sleep can also throw the circadian rhythm or internal body clock off balance. And this clock tells your body when to poop, pee, or eat.

The Bottom Line

Travel constipation is normal. However, consider seeing a doctor if you experience frequent travel constipation symptoms. Also, visit your doctor if you have constipation for weeks without signs of an imminent bowel movement.